Information pursuant to § 5 para. 1 ECG and disclosure pursuant to § 25 MG

Ingrid Ellhotka Photo & Graphics

Registered office
3434 Wilfersdorf, Ahorngasse 20, Austria

E-mail: [email protected]
The terms and conditions of Ingrid Ellhotka of 2023 apply, which can be downloaded here.

Memberships with Chamber of Commerce Lower Austria
Professional Group Advertising Graphic Designers
Professional Photographer Group

Trade authority
BH Tulln
Professional licence issued on 6 May 2015

Professional regulations
Free trade
The Austrian Trade Regulation Act GewO applies

Tax Exemption
Tax exemption due to the small business regulation §6 (1) 27 USTG

Member of - Companies A - Z

Purpose of the website
Information about the photographic services and the artistic work of Ingrid Ellhotka

Content and editorial responsibility
Ingrid Ellhotka | Teresa Ellhotka, MA BA

Graphic concept and design
Ingrid Ellhotka

Technical implementation
Yannic Ellhotka, MA BA

Product photography and image editing
Ingrid Ellhotka

Legal information and explanations
The information on this website is checked and supplemented on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless, data may have lost its topicality. No liability is assumed for damages resulting from the use of this website. The same applies to all websites referred to by hyperlink. We are not responsible for the content of websites reached via such a link. The structure and content of this website are protected by copyright. The use or reproduction of texts or sound and image material from the website requires the prior written consent of Ingrid Ellhotka. Austrian law applies to all legal relationships. The place of jurisdiction is Tulln.